Weekly Challenge

Joy and Laughter
There are tremendous health benefits from laughter. Are you getting enough laughter in your daily routines?

Do Something Different
Routine tasks can bring down our energy levels. Changing our mindset and our actions before and after the tasks can be just the change we need

Decision Making
We all make decision all the time. Understanding how we make our decisions can help us to make the best decisions that we can

Easter Reflections
Easter from a religious perspective is associated with reflection and renewal. Regardless of our beliefs taking time to reflect is good for all of us.

When we catch ourselves think “I wish I had”; “if only I said” we really can benefit if we use these thoughts to learn and grow rather than give ourselves a hard time.

Sparking Joy
When we develop the habit of finding joy on a daily basis and being really aware of what brings us joy it can be really useful to us when we find ourselves stressed..

Framing Success
If you set New Year goals and then forget about them in a matter of days maybe this year you would benefit from re-framing what success will look like

No Goals 2019
Do you start each years with new goals only to abandon them in January. How about this year using January to sort your usual road blocks ?

No Goals 2019
When we see a child experience wonder and awe at Christmas they are usually quiet and de-stressed. We could all take a lesson from their book

Merry Christmas
When we see a child experience wonder and awe at Christmas they are usually quiet and de-stressed. We could all take a lesson from their book

Wonder and Awe
When we see a child experience wonder and awe at Christmas they are usually quiet and de-stressed. We could all take a lesson from their book

Kindness and Mindfulness
In the middle of the pre-Christmas rush, taking time for mindful acts of kindness is a great de-stressor

Thanksgiving Karma and Near Misses
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to make that call to thank those in our lives. However we have things to be thankful everyday if we just look.

Do Something New
Trying something new is really good for us. It makes life more interesting and us more interesting. Are you ready to try something new?

Halloween Fun
Having Fun is a serious business. It is a great stress buster. So do you prioritise having fun daily?

Stress Control
Stress can land on our doorstep from many different directions- we can manage stress better when we are clear what it is we are responsible for and when we can stay on the sidelines

Do Something
No matter what the goal or dream we do have to take that first action step

It’s What I’m Good At
We can be so busy with life that we can forget to be grateful for and engage in what we are good at

Random Thoughts May Not be Random
Our random thoughts may not actually be random and we can create a response that makes them useful for us

Time To Start Now
How often do you make excuses not to start, even though you know that you want to? The time to start is now

Blue Sky Thinking
Warm dreamy summer days are the perfect opportunity for blue sky thinking and creating the image of what our life could be like

Know Your Tribe
The thoughts and words that happen around us are important because they can influence the dialogue in our own heads. We all have a tribe around us helping us to go places. How does your tribe influence your thoughts?

Excuses, Excuses
How often do you make excuses not to start, even though you know that you want to? It is time to reconnect with the power of commitment

Sand and Earth Between Your Toes
Going about Barefooted on earth and sand is really good for our health – Will you join me? It really cant be beaten on a worm sunny day to lift your mood and reduce stress

Treat or Self Care Either Way You are Worth it
What are the habits that you have that ensures that you take good self care no matter what the stresses you need to deal with?

Fun Laughter Joy
Having fun is a very important part of life. How much fun do you have??

Enlarge Your Comfort Zone
Do you spend your time inside your comfort zone or do you push out the edges?

Snow Day Snow Time
As Ireland is enveloped in a blanket of snow and most of us are having a snow day how will you react to all this time on your hands?

Christmas Build Up
As we say goodbye to 2017 it is good to take time to understand the habits and patterns that no longer serve us well as we prepare to take on our new goals for 2018

Christmas Build Up
In these final few days before Christmas, we can experience some overwhelm and so my challenge this week is to take some self care time each day and focus on just one on your senses.

Giving Feels Good
Most of us have heard of the benefit to health of declutttering our physical space – decluttering our mental space is beneficial too

Declutter – Physical and Mental
Most of us have heard of the benefit to health of declutttering our physical space – decluttering our mental space is beneficial too

Value and Worth
It is very easy to underestimate our value and worth to others – take time to ask others and then re-calibrate your won sense of value and worth

Disappointment or Opportunity
Opportunity is always present but we do not always act on it. How can you change you mindset so that you take action?

Nature’s Power and Maslow
Opportunity is always present but we do not always act on it. How can you change you mindset so that you take action?

Opportunity Mindset Action
Opportunity is always present but we do not always act on it. How can you change you mindset so that you take action?

In-Love With Me
Taking time to be in-love with ourselves and nurturing that love matters

Wrap Yourself in Support
When we are wrapped in support we can face the world.

Self-Care Matters
Self-Care matters all the more in this season of bugs and viruses. What actions are you taking to prioritize your self care or do you put others needs first.

I’ll Try – N0! – I’ll Do
Do you try to do things or do you do things? When we focus just on trying rather than succeeding we create doubt that can sabotage our efforts – Let this week be the week you are doing and succeeding!

Time Management Minute
Earlier this week I had some great conversations about time management and scheduling. In the course of our discussions we identified some things that seem really minor but which but which can have a significant impact on our time and stress resources.

Start Something New
The older I get, the quicker each year seems to go by and I find myself wondering where the year is going. Lots of youngsters are starting their primary, secondary or college education and more still are entering the workplace. As a result I often find that this time of year is a great time to start something new and without the pressure of New Year resolutions.

Pay it Forward
Pay it Forward There are a number of phrases that have emerged into common usage in recent years “law of attraction”; “Karma”; “paying it forward”, “givers gain”, “what goes around comes around”. I have found that there have been plenty of times when I...

Making Choices
Making Choices On various occasions throughout my life I have set out to: ‘fit into that dress’; ‘get fitter’; ‘get healthier’; ‘lose weight’ etc. The evidence up to this point in my life is that I have great intentions but old patterns and habits die...

Halloween Fun
Having fun is a great way to relieve stress. Do you make sure that you make time for fun every day?

Awake at 4.30 a.m.
Awake at 4.30 a.m. Earlier this week, my cat decided to call me at 4.30 a.m. in order to be fed and let out into the garden. We have had this cat for over 11 years, but this wakening me up is new. Anyway as I opened the back door of the house I was amazed at the...

Ripples of Kindness Start With Me
Ripples of Kindness Start With Me Another week, when we have witnessed mindless carnage and like many others I really struggle to make sense of why events such Manchester happen. Over the years I have heard various freedom fighters, and military analysts talk of...
This Weeks Challenge
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Career-Job Focus
Ready to progress your career, find a new job, new organisation? Why go it alone? I will work with you for all stages of the process to support you to your success.
Do You Need Time Back
As a middle or senior manager, are you always working late? Is the day never long enough to everything done? Would you like more time back? Then click below to find out more